Healing Intuitions

After Massage

What to expect after treatment

After the Massage

It is not uncommon to experience muscle soreness a day or two after your massage treatment. The soreness is a result of direct contact with spasms in the muscle, as well as accumulated waste products in the tissue being naturally released into your system. This is similar to what many people experience after strenuous activity. This too shall pass…


Recommended after treatment care

Drinking plenty of fresh clean purified water will help flush the released toxins out of your body, and soaking in a warm bath with Epsom or mineral salts (1/2 - 1cup per bath) will assist in alleviating any soreness. Use between one-half to one cup per tub fill.

Your massage experience should be both pleasant and beneficial. We hope it will be the beginning of a life-long practice to help you enjoy the best possible health and wellness.


Want to start purifying your water today? Click here for a site with a great selection.

For Amazing Reverse Osmosis Water that I've trusted personally for over a decade, and sold by a local based company, click here for The Water Clinic in North End of Saskatoon, SK. (only $2 per 5 gallon fill)


Check out this article for What you Should/Shouldn't do after a massage


Also, check out this article for Post-Massage Stretching Techniques To Enhance Your Treatment for an even better response.